We have been so busy lately so I thought I'd bring you all up to speed. For our anniversary we decided to go to Hocking Hills, Ohio. We stayed in a "interesting" cabin in the woods. When I say interesting I mean it had cassettes and a player as well as old records, a million books and a very odd placement of pictures and no real style. It also had a ton of windows everywhere with no curtains..not very private. Also since we were out in the woods there was no tv. Only a vcr with no video tapes..lol It was just kinda funny.:) We had fun though! It did have a pool table that we took advantage of a lot. Of course Ben always won! :) Surprisingly it had a hot tub that, I, sadly couldn't enjoy but hubby did. It was good to get away from the day to day and just relax.

We went hiking through the woods and saw Old Man's Cave, waterfalls, Devil's Bathtub and went canoeing five miles. It was good exercise and a fun way to celebrate 3 years of marriage to the sweetest man and best friend of mine! :)

He didn't want me to take his picture so he was trying to look mean right here..lol :)
Our next trip was to.......

It was so much fun! Me,hubby, and Maz wanted to do something fun this summer as a family besides just going to the zoo.
So we went to Cedar Point for 2 days and went with some of my hubby's cousins, aunt and grandma. Plus the second day we were there some of our friends and my brother in law came too. So much walking!! Whew, I sure did get a ton of exercise! Everyone else went on roller coasters and other rides while I took Maz on kiddie rides. It was his first time on a ride so I wasn't sure how he'd react but he loved them!! It was so much fun watching him! Even though I couldn't really go on any rides just watching him light up on his rides was enough thrill and excitement for me.:) Although next time we go back I told hubby that I want to be able to go on rides.lol

He even met Snoopy sitting on a bench enjoying some cookies....
And found him again dancing.....

Daddy even went on some rides with him...

So last week was quite a busy week but we really enjoyed it!! Can't wait to go back again and we're really excited for the future as Mazio gets older and can do even more fun stuff! :)