This week has brought about so much sadness throughout the country and parts of the world with the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Such devastation has been weighing on my mind. Hearing of a little boy who lost his life far too soon, from a mother's perspective at least. Seeing pictures of the debris, blood and wounded lives has been the thing of nightmares.
Along with this terror, sadness and suffering has been circulating my church body. So many dealing with sickness, death, and spiritual obstacles. Its enough to cause one to go down the path of depression. A time to be thankful for the blessings we have in this life no matter how small and a time to bear the burdens of our brethren and scoop them up in loving arms.
Encouragement is essential.
In the midst of so much suffering I wrote a little poem. Nothing too profound or great. I like to try my hand at poetry on the side and God usually sees fit to bring me inspiration through difficult times.
Here goes....
Sorrows come and sorrows go but the love of the Lord can never be stole.
Waters may rise and the clouds may roll. Surely these trials will take their toll.
It is folly to think to steal heaven without a bruise or scar. Take comfort among this pain as the Lord promises He's never far.
The heaviness of this time shall soon pass.
Trust only in the Lord, burdens on Him alone we cast.
At times it feels as though this dark shall never lift.
Walking alone feeling like God had just set us a drift.
Crying out to Him with a thousand tears, wondering if He sees or hears.
Right when the blackness threatens to engulf us and steal all hope away. God will restore what was broken, sealing His love was never at bay.
Like withered roots His comfort and mercies will rain down. In Him once again perfect peace will be found.
Just a short little poem.
Praying for those affected in Boston and for my dear church family. Grace, mercy and peace be unto you.