Since my post before the last it has been awhile since I've shared any thoughts. Since we're coming into this new year of 2010 I am reflecting on my 2009 and hope for the future that will bring in this new year. I know the most popular resolutions are to lose an insurmountable weight or make more money but what else might be worthy of a resolution? To me I'm thinking about being closer to God and becoming a stronger believer. I'm praying and wondering what kinds of happy times or heartships He would have for me to cleave even closer to Him through. I know its really easy to spiral downwards when your going through a troubling time. We're so easily pleased with ourselves when things go our way but immediately fall into a pity party when they don't. I think if we let our flesh get the better of us we miss valuable lessons and closeness with God. Its always good to have small goals like weight loss, especially for health benefits but what would be the resolution of your life? I know after God showed me His truth I became a new me and my life being lost had come to an end. I had a new life starting in this world and my only resolution my only objective... was Him. He is all that matters to me in this world. Yes, before you ask yourself, I do love my husband and family but after they're gone what else will always remain? God. God says in the bible to count it all joy to suffer. Just look at Job. Such wise christians to learn through that God has given us. But we're to count it joy, I know in the past its been hard for me to count it joy when I've suffered, but if your cleaving to Him and praying for His will and glory in the situation whatever it may be and your trusting in Him it'll become clear. Its not about getting YOUR way when you pray to God, its about HIS way. I pray for HIS will to be done, not for Him to work it so I get what I want in the end. My resolution is to become an even stronger christian this next year and that God would strengthen me in His word in the joyous times and the not so joyous ones. I urge you all to make a resolution of your lives not for just a year, and make it for Him.
"Happy New Year"
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