As many of you know who have been following my blog for a while now that I had a partial molar pregnancy last September that resulted in the death of our second baby at 6 weeks gestation. I thought I'd give a quick recap to those who might stumble upon this blog and not know the story. I had to have a d&c because my body wasn't miscarrying naturally. That's when everything got far more difficult than we expected when I lost 1500cc of blood during the surgery from hemorrhaging badly. At the end of all that and 3 hours of surgery I was left with a blood transfusion, physical pain, and a broken heart. At first we were told that all hope for more children was lost and the long journey of recovering after a new diagnosis of partial molar pregnancy was about to begin. Its been nearly 7 months of regular blood work and then monthly blood draws. In the midst of all the blood work though our doctor gave us some hope by telling us that we may yet be able to have more babies as soon as my blood work was finished.
It's been a long physical and emotional journey but also one of spiritual growth and understanding. I truly believe all hard journeys are not without a deep movement and stirring by God into the hearts of those who bear their burdens. For me, this was the hardest thing I have yet done in my life. Saying goodbye to a child is one of the most difficult things my brain can attempt to comprehend even now. I feel God strengthened me in this process and nudged me closer to Him. I cannot imagine enduring all that without Him.
Through this whole after process and spiritual growth there was one thing that has always been burning within my heart. I feel this strong desire for a baby. Ever since I lost our second child it was like my body went through all these motions to care for this baby that never was to be. So I almost feel out of wack. It may sound odd or silly but I think that emptiness I felt in my heart some how extended out towards the rest of my body.
We set this March as our beginning point of trying again for another baby. Not knowing what to really expect if anything at all we were incredibly surprised at what happened next...
I just stared at it for what seemed like a long time trying to believe what I was looking at. Almost a dream like at any moment I could wake up and it would be like some distant memory. After initially being told that you could never have any more babies this was a remarkable moment. I am currently 9 weeks and due December 19th. I will more than likely ,if I have no re-occurance of preeclampsia, have an amnio test done at 36 weeks and probably have a scheduled repeat c-section around Thanksgiving.
I have had one ultrasound so far at 6 weeks...
I have hid this news for several weeks now because I really didn't want to hurt or upset anyone. I know so many who have lost babies and I know their pain and how happy yet hard it can be to hear of someone else that you know who is newly pregnant.
I hope that this news hasn't caused any of you pain and if so I'm very sorry and I really have tried to wait a while and think on how to reveal this gently to you all. You all mean so much to me!
I can't speak for everyone, but as another soul who has had a molar pregnancy and lost a baby: I am so overjoyed for you! This couldn't have happened to a sweeter, more deserving person. I can't wait to follow your progress with this pregnancy and see you welcome home this beautiful baby. Congratulations, girl! :D
ReplyDeleteI think now is a great time to speak up and tell this news. Congrats!!!!! I have a special bond with you and though you are pregnant and I am not..yet...I have a joy overflowing for you. Your road has been difficult and you certainly deserve a baby just as much as anyone else.
ReplyDeleteJennie you are such a wonderful person and I think you've learned so much about life in the last few years. You are walking down a narrow and scary path, but soon I'm sure this path will lead to beautiful pasture and a new beginning like we all so desperately need. You leaned on your faith and left things in Gods now live a dream once thought impossible. Congrats my dear,
Thank you both so much! I'm so glad that this didn't hurt you. I can't wait to share in both your joys of pregnancies as well!
ReplyDeleteMrs.G - June is only a couple weeks away!! :)
Felicia - I know it will happen very soon! Keep temping and watching for signals from your body! :)