Had another dr. appointment today. I had another ultrasound too. I was really nervous since last time they said the baby was measuring a week small. They told me it was normal but it was still making me a little paranoid.
Well today the baby looked great! And the baby is now "officially" without a doubt a GIRL! :) Woo-hoo! I'm just glad because I already bought girl stuff! lol :) She was moving a lot and we got to see her little fingers and toes. We even got to see her mouth, lips, and cute little nose! She is still measuring a week small which they said is good and consistent with my last ultrasound. So they might change my due date back a week so I'd be due on Christmas! Although that won't matter too much since they are going to do an amnio when I'm 37 weeks (if all goes well) and then deliver right away or a few days after. Another great thing is my blood pressure is doing great! All those mommies who have had preeclampsia know how big of a relief that is.:)
I go back to the dr. now every 2 weeks! I go back on the 30th. I promise to keep you all updated better now that things with the flood issues are starting to get resolved. We are still working on names so as soon as we come to a decision I'll let you all know.:)
So far we have all the dry wall up and mudded. We also, with the help of some pretty awesome people :), were able to finish all the painting in the house! It looks amazing! We completely changed all the colors we previously had. We also were able to order our kitchen cabinets, tile for the counter top, carpet, and we bought our new back splash!! I'm so excited and relieved to see everything sorta coming together now! Our carpet should be in next week and we should get our cabinets and counter top tile at the end of the month! I'm so thankful things are looking up!:)
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