For some who stumble upon this post and not know what I mean by 29 weeks being a big deal; I developed severe preeclampsia in my first pregnancy with my son. I delivered him through emergency csection at 29 weeks 3 days. So getting beyond 29 weeks with no symptoms of this disease is a huge personal hurdle for me.
My blood pressures have been great at all my recent appointments. I haven't had much of any swelling either. I am pleasantly surprised that I can still wear my wedding ring! :) I'm really enjoying this pregnancy. We have even finally decided on this little girl's name.....
Technically she should arrive sometime after Thanksgiving. I'll be 37 weeks that Saturday after Thanksgiving and I'll have an amnio test done sometime that week to test for the baby's lung maturity and then based on what the results are I could have my repeat csection that day or in a couple days after. So I have just about 7 weeks left until delivery.
I have finally got my sewing machine out since the flood happened and am starting to work on my Wrapped Up in Hope baby blankie request list. It feels good to sew again. Its kinda therapeutic for me. I've also been working on some things for Arleigh finally too. I told myself that I wanted to make things for the baby when we found out the gender but then the flood happened and prevented me from that. So now I can. Here is what I've done so far:
I know the A is backwards but oh well. I didn't figure that out until I was all done. She won't know the difference.:) It was fun making this. I just used scrapbook paper and mod podge. I used a card board letter but you could use a wooden one too. It now sits on a shelf in her nursery.
I saw this on pinterest and had to make one. I'm so use to things for little boys that I didn't think much of all the hair accessories. How genius to have something like this to display them. This didn't turn out as well as I would have liked but its good enough for now. I want to make a better one later.
So far that is all I have done but I have more things I plan to make before she gets here. I promise to post them once I complete them.
That's my baby updates for now. Crazy to be here at 29 weeks and symptom free.:)
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