Okay, okay some of you may be wondering whats going on here so I'll catch you up.
I had my amnio test done last week on the 28th. I think I did fairly well considering the size of the needle and my usual wimpy demeanor. :)
Unfortunately the baby's lungs did not pass the test for maturity. Her test came out to a 33 and it needed to be a 55 or higher. After much discussion on where to go from there our doctor settled on waiting another week and just going straight to the c-section. No more amnio tests = yay!! They said on the ultrasound that she was weighing 7lbs 4oz and she has a lot of hair.:) Tomorrow is THE day! Monday December 5th at 1pm is Arleigh Lynn Exposito's eviction from womb to the this world!:) I'm excited yet incredibly nervous.
My mind feels like its rolling a mile a minute! I'm worried for my little man, my sweet Mazio. For so long now its just been him and I remember what he went through to be here. What God brought us through and how he blessed us with this little guy. I just hope and pray we can justly remind him everyday through this transition period with the baby that he is and always will be important and loved. I'm sure I'm just having the normal paranoid feelings. I just hope he adjusts well and doesn't feel threatened or too jealous.
I'm also nervous for the surgery. Last time I had a csection I was completely knocked out so I didn't have to worry about the queasiness, gore, knowing I'm being cut into, or the tugging feelings. I'm also a bit nervous about the spinal. You'd think after the amnio needle I wouldn't worry about the spinal but I guess I'm just strange like that.
Its so surreal to be here at the end and experiencing feelings and symptoms so many other women I know have felt in normal pregnancies. It's overwhelming at times like tonight and knowing that by tomorrow night I'll be holding a newborn in my arms. An event some, including me, never thought would happen. God, you are so magnificent, so amazing, so good that these simple words cannot do justice. You blessed my womb three times now and even though it was Your will to take away one physically You blessed my heart with her forever. I'll always have tears for her but they won't all be of sorrow because you didn't have to bless me with her at all. Thank you Lord!
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I'm very nervous. Thank you all for following this part of my journey and praying for me along the way! I promise to post soon and have pictures of her! :)
Yaaaaaaay! I'm so excited for you! I hope you get a great night's sleep tonight and that your C-section goes perfectly fine tomorrow. I'll be sending good thoughts your way and I'll keep your little man in my prayers that he adapts well to being a big brother! Congrats again on this wonderful blessing! :)
ReplyDeleteYay! Just sent you a message already about this but I'm overwhelmed with excitement for you....praying that the coming days treat you for all your hard work. love ya-