I made it to bring comfort as well as send out these free minature receiving blankets for greaving mother's. Well after fighting and losing the battle with my grandma's serger I feel I have finally conquered the task with the sewing machine! :)
My first four finished blankies were sent out today! I'm sure I'll still tweak the design and etc as well as get better but I'm excited none the less!
I feel like I've been warped into a craft crazie! I keep sewing, stitching, and sewing some more! My days seem to fly by just because I'm so busy sewing! It's been a nice distraction though through this cold that has engulfed my house lately. I'm really enjoying this new hobby! I already have a bunch of crafty ideas that I can't wait to try sometime. Ben probably thinks I'm a nut..lol
So since I'm in this crafty whirl wind I'll be taking you all with me through my blog so be prepared! :)
I even decided to upgrade my Americana table runner. It was far to drab before....
Here it is after.....
I added these cool buttons....I love buttons! I also added some rick rack like the previous girl who made this runner had. I was a little afraid of sewing it is why I didn't add it before but it's actually very easy!
Well that's enough of my crazy crafts for today!:)
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