It's called "Wrapped up in Hope" and I pray that I can help bring some comfort and the reminder that there is hope for all those suffering the loss of a child.
When I lost my little girl and I was at the hospital waiting for my D&C to begin when the nurses handed me a bereavement folder. As I was looking through it I noticed behind a bunch of grief support pamphlets was a small receiving blanket square. It was so tiny compared to the receiving blankest that the hospital gives you when you have a baby. It was tiny, the perfect size for my itty bitty baby at 6 weeks.
I immediately was drawn to this little piece of fabric. It gave me such comfort and peace in the beginning days of my grief. I kept it with me always. I would wear it on my shoulder or across my chest during the day and clutched it ever so tightly when I was sad. I even cuddled with it at night when I went to bed as if I were cuddling my little baby that wasn't meant to be.
I look back now and I can't believe where I was and how far God has brought me through this difficult loss. I'm so thankful for the Lord and His simple blessings and continual comfort!
I wanted to start "Wrapped up in Hope" as a way to give back and comfort in some small way with making replica little receiving blanket squares for other grieving mothers. I also pray that in this service, Lord willing, that I can give mother's hope.
Hope that there is light at the end of the grieving tunnel and time can slowly heal. I hope to remind them also that God is the Great Comforter and share with them how He's helped comfort me and get me through the saddest and most painful of times.
I haven't officially opened the requests on the site because I'm waiting to buy the material I'll need but all the blankets will be free.
So if you know anyone who has lost a baby and would appreciate the blankets then please refer them to ....Wrapped up in Hope.
What a great thing to start.