Brrr! It feels like its gotten colder here as well! Snow is everywhere!
Last night Ben and I had a date night! The first one in a very very long time. It gets so crazy with his work and etc. We saw Chronicles of Narnia:Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 3D. It was....AMAZING!! Wow the imagery in these movies and books is outstanding! I love how at the end of the movie(I won't give anything away in case you want to see it)Aslan tells them that he is known in their world by a different name and he has brought them there to know him a little so that in their world they can know him much more. I loved it! I highly recommend watching it!
As I was running my tail off on the treadmill the other day I was listening to my music. I don't know about you but when I am working out or running I need to listen to my power music. The music that is fast and upbeat! I was listening to this one song and there was a lyric I loved and it got me feeling pumped in my workout! :) It goes "in the end the gates of hell couldn't shut us down". I love that not just because it gets me pumped but the reason it gets me pumped. It was ironic that I saw the Narnia movie last night as well because they flow together. The movie had a lot to do with temptations and refuting the sins that flow around us for His glory. The song just reminded me of that in the sense that we need to keep our eye on that prize, for His glory. Fighting those temptations that will try to redirect our vision. Our life is a constant fight and the battle ground is just filled with sin waiting to devour us. God has shown us though that whom He has called are His, so we know that the gates of hell really won't keep us from our love for Him and passion to glorify Him.
Also it brings me back to the day that I got my last blood work result. When I heard the nurse say that it was 3.2 I thought to myself "This isn't over yet." "God isn't done yet with this." I know its been very easy when your going through a hard time for sin to creep in and cause things to be worse. It can make you forget at times what's most important. That lyric just made me think that I want to fight harder during times of trial against sin and I won't let it stop me even if what my heart yearns for, more babies, isn't what God has willed. I know that sin can so easily use these moments in our lives to really try and do a number on us.
Well that's my scattered thoughts for tonight! lol
Good thoughts, Jennie!!!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with Merenwen! :o)
ReplyDeleteThanks guys! :)