What a day! What a year! A lot of things have happened this past year in 2010. Lots of memories,tears and lest I not forget a lot of growth in God. Mazio will be 2 this June. Where does the time go? Some days I wish he was still that little baby boy I use to be able to cradle in my arms. Its amazing what can happen in a years time!
I feel very good about 2011. I think the new year will bring lots of change and more memories made! And who knows maybe God has willed to extend our family in some way this next year. Either way I think 2011 is going to be a good year!
I get to ring in the new year celebrating the uniting of my cousin Jeriad and Chelsea in marriage tonight! Exciting! So happy for them!
I wish you all a wonderful new year! Please be safe and careful tonight!
Happy New Year Everyone!!!! 2011!!
I know I'm late, but I had to stop by and say Happy New Year! I hope this year is full of blessings for you and your family! :D