- National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- National AIDS Awareness Month,
- National Apple Month,
- National Pickled Peppers Month,
- Disability Employment Awareness Month,
- Diversity Awareness Month,
- Emergency Care Month,
- Family History Month,
- German-American Heritage Month,
- National Cholesterol Awareness Month,
- National Mental Illness Awareness Month
Did you know that October is also Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month or that 1 in 4 women will experience the loss of a child?
Across the developed world alone:
- An estimated 500,000 miscarriages happen each year;
- 1 in every 148 babies are stillborn; and
- 3 in every 1000 babies die shortly after birth.
Every year women world wide as well as fathers experience the deep sadness of the loss of a child whether they be miscarried, born still, or passed after birth. Its such a common occurrence daily. So if you know of a friend or loved one that has experienced this loss at some point in their life please remember their little ones this month and on October 15th. Though with time their grief may have become silent, their hearts are still broken. Remember the little lives that were and still are in the hearts and minds of the families that love them. As time passes its common for life to begin again in a different way after a loss for the families who've suffered through. Though life goes on but its never quite the same without that baby or child in it.
So this October 15th along with all the many noble "nationals" of the month I implore you to remember this one.
Remember the babies.