Unexpectedly we found out we were pregnant again just 6 short months (January 13th) from delivering little Ellie (June 4th). I was not too excited in the beginning. I wasn't quite ready for another baby that soon but alas God had other plans.
This pregnancy was rough to say the least. The majority of my pregnancy I was exhausted and utterly depleted of all energy. It was tough trying to keep up with the kids. I was tired all the time.
In my third trimester though I finally got some energy! It was like a major nesting instinct kicked into overdrive. Just what I needed because God had it planned for us to unexpectedly sell our house and buy a new one. It was hectic and busy but at least I was able to keep up to some degree.
Then on August 25th at 7am we were scheduled for my repeat cesarean. We had to be at the hospital at 4am. I was terrified the night before though. I kept thinking that something was going to happen to me and I'd never see my kids again. It was weird. I was in tears though most of the night.
It was so hard putting little Ellie into her crib that night knowing that she would no longer be the youngest baby come morning. She would seem much bigger and I wasn't ready for that.Finally we got a little sleep before we went to the hospital.
Not sure if we will try for a 5th blessing in 2-3 years or not but lets say at this point we aren't ruling out completely. Going to speak to our doctors and see. We are so incredibly thankful for sweet Cora!
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