Thursday, April 28, 2011

International Babylost Mother's Day

Some of you may know about this day but I know others may not.
This Sunday is International Babylost Mother's Day.

I pulled the motto off this website.

United in grief, we find love and strength.

IBMD recognizes babylost women all over the world as mothers. Just because a woman loses her baby does not mean that she is not a mother anymore. She will be a mother for the rest of her life.

On the first Sunday in May we come together to celebrate our connection, our children and our hope for the future. IBMD is a day for love, peace, remembrance and recognition.

I was so glad to hear that there was such a day dedicated to this cause. Women all around the world seem to often forget or discard their motherhood once a child dies. Those precious little ones were created by God and just as He created them He created you and blessed you to be the mother of such a miraculous creation! We are all vessels for God's will in new life and just because those lives may end sooner than expected doesn't mean that you are any less of a mother.

If you know any woman who has lost a baby please send her a rainbow flower and direct her here....

Show her your love in reminding her that she is still and will always be a mother to a precious little miracle!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Crafty Table Runner

So I showed you all a few posts back that I made a table runner from Tatertots and Jello the blog. Well I decided to make another one only more for Spring/Summer. It only took me a day and I'm happy with how it turned out. I can't wait to make a Fall one next! :)

Well I hope you guys like it. I can't wait to start another project! :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Due Date

Last night was really hard. I felt the deep pain of the day we lost the baby sweep over me. Like wave upon wave the tears relentlessly kept coming yesterday.
My cousin is very ill right now in the hospital and her status isn't good. So hearing more on her and realizing the imminent sadness that today would bring I just felt like a mess of emotions. However, God is gracious and merciful. Here I was last night feeling pain on the coming of today that I must have released all the tears. Today I'm thankful that God has given me some peace. I haven't really cried and actually played with my little son and laughed with him a little. It has been a very surprising day of calmness so far. I know many have been praying for me and our little family lately and I hope to think that it's on the words of your prayers that God has answered and been with me today.

There is still a gloom to this day and it's not just the weather we're having, which isn't too appealing at the moment. I still feel what this day represents to me as not just a reminder of the loss itself but a symbolic moment of all the pain. It's also a reminder of God's love, the growth He's given me through this suffering, the blessing of a child, and hope.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I know many of you have sent me notes of encouragement and comfort, I really appreciate that as well. All these truly mean more to me than I can express. Love you all!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Six months ago

"Just 6 months ago you came and went.
We knew you were special when you were sent.
Now your so dearly missed. On your rosy cheeks we wished to kiss.
It's true time can heal.
We know one day God's plan He will reveal.
Until that day comes we'll love you and think of you and smile.
Even though you were only here for just a little while."

I can't believe its been so long since we said hello and goodbye shortly after. Nothing really prepares you for having a baby and the same goes for losing one. Some months seemed longer than others but I'm amazed at how God has brought us this far. He has stayed true and comforted me and gave me strength in my weakest of moments. He did not abandon me. Even when I would have abandoned myself.


I conceived this little blessing in a manner that most fertility specialists would have deemed a miracle. And she was! As soon as I saw that first positive pregnancy test I said to my husband that without a doubt I knew that this baby was special. I just knew that God was going to use this little life. I also had a bad feeling that this pregnancy wouldn't last.

I cannot thank God enough for blessing us with this miracle baby. Even though she was never born and we never got to really meet her, carrying her for those 6 weeks was amazing! Being a vessel in which God brings about new life is quite honoring to me. The lessons I've learned after and through the pain of the loss has been life altering. It is because of God that I can say now that I wouldn't take back one ounce of the pain or suffering because I know now how our suffering links us to Christ and is only but a small fraction in comparison to what Christ endured.

Today was a hard day for me. It's not even Friday(the due date) and I'm an emotional mess, crying at the drop of a hat. Seriously, I find myself tearing up at dumb commercials even.

I decided to visit the grave today instead of Friday. Hopefully hubby and I can go out on a date to get my mind off of the sadness that day. I'd rather get the tears out now although I know I'll probably still be really sad that day.

I brought her this cute little pink bunny. I thought it was adorable and so appropriate for spring. Though here in Ohio some days still look like winter wants to return.

I told her how much I missed her and wished so badly I could be holding her in my arms right now. I wish I could visit my baby in her comfy crib instead of a cold damp cemetery. I wish that I could see her play with that little bunny on the floor with her her big brother Mazio. I wish that I could have seen her laugh and smile. I could go on with a million things I wish about this precious little one, but my biggest wish for any of my children would be that they be safe and God knew she'd be safest in His arms instead of mine. He knew what was best, what more could I ever wish for except for her to be in my arms then in the Father's arms. Her true Creator.

Though I miss her terribly I know she's right where she is meant to be.

I love you, my little one. I miss you everyday. I know one day I'll get to hold you.

Thrifty Travel Bag

I thought I'd post this just for fun. I made a travel bag for my niece's 1st birthday. Above is just the basics I did to the bag. I forgot to take finished photos of it but you can just use your imagination for adding embellishments onto yours.

These are the things I used to create mine:
1. A canvas tote ( I bought mine at Pat Catan's for around $6.)

2. A wide ribbon of your favorite design.
(I bought a whole roll at Walmart for $2 but you can also buy them by yard for 50 cents-You will need at least 2 yards.)
3. Pins
4. Color alternated thread(s) to match your ribbon or any other embellishments you choose to add.
5. Embellishments- I do not recommend iron on letters or designs because for me they were a pain in the butt to use on canvas. Iron on appliques work fine though.

I started out first by pinning all the ribbon on to the areas I wanted to dress up. I then used basting stitches to sew them on for decorative appeal and because once a tote or bag is already assembled its much more difficult to use a sewing machine on it. I was able to sew the top lip ribbon on to my bag with a sewing machine without difficulty.

I sewed more basting stitches on my ribbon I folded onto the front pocket of my tote. As far as decorating your bag the ideas are limitless! I love buttons and they would be a cute addition that you can find at any craft store in numerous colors and sizes. You can even buy special iron on paper very reasonably at your local craft store and create and print out your own designs that you want to put on your tote as well! I can't wait to try that for my next one!

I made this tote for my little niece, inspired by the summer and the need for a simple colorful travel bag for toys and etc. I ended up cutting and sewing on felt letters to her bag decorated with more basting stitches that read" Camryn On The Go". But there are a ton of fun ways to add a colorful cute tote to your day!
Some examples of totes you could use: a sewing bag, a travel bag for kids or for yourself, a summer beach bag, craft bag, bag for books, bag for groceries. Use your imagination!
