Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Another Baby Update

My posting lately has been pretty crappy, I know. I've been working for my other blog recently and making baby blankies for Baby Loss Moms so I've been a little preoccupied. I thought I'd finally update on here to catch you guys up on baby #3.

I just had an appointment yesterday morning for a routine belly check. All went well and all my blood work from my last appointment came back good and my 24hr urine baseline in case preeclampsia rears its ugly head later in the pregnancy. That came back good, my baseline was 96 which is good and normal. My Dr says anything below 300 is considered normal. What they are looking at is the amount of protein in my urine from my kidneys. In preeclampsia your kidneys get over worked and start to spill massive amounts of protein into your urine. Just to give you an idea of what I mean.... In my pregnancy with my son, Mazio, I started spilling 6,000 and 24 hours later I spilled 12,000. The 6,000 guaranteed me with preeclampsia but the 12,000 gave me severe preeclampsia. This disease works very fast and any woman who has survived preeclampsia would tell you the same. So far so good though with this pregnancy. My blood pressures have been wonderful, the best I've ever seen them even from being pregnant before. Though I know the pregnancy has a part to play in that.

I got to hear the baby's heartbeat again and this time the rate was 142! Last time it was 158 and Dr. joked that it was a girl but who knows! :) I don't mind either way just as long as this little one stays cooking for a long time! I keep telling people that I hope this baby doesn't decide to come until after Thanksgiving so I can at least get my grub on!:)

What do you guys think?? Team Blue or Team Pink?

<----- You can vote on the left side of the blog up until July 19th!!

I'm kinda thinking it might be a boy.:)

The ultrasound is scheduled!! I'm so excited!! I cannot wait! I'll be 19 weeks when I go on July 19th! Only about 3 weeks really. :)

I'm still amazed that God has brought us to this place again and being pregnant with a happy/healthy pregnancy so far! God is so good! I really feel like I can let loose now and enjoy this pregnancy. Up until now I've felt happy but just scared as well. In my mind I would see the baby we lost and what happened last time and it was difficult. It feels good to really feel like I can bond a bit with this baby now. Who has already started moving! I'm amazed at that since I was 20-22 weeks along with Mazio before I knew I was feeling him move. That in itself has been a huge blessing and comfort!

Well my next baby update will hopefully be to announce to you all if I'll be hauling out all Mazio's baby clothes or shopping for some pink girly clothes! I promise to update you all as soon as we find out!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Baby Update

Well my appointment went very well today!(sorry started writing this yesterday but just now finished it) What a refreshing feeling having a better outcome. I got to the dr. office and was so nervous I thought I was going throw up.

The dr. was so nice. He's the one who delivered my son. I thought my heart would jump out of my chest because of my nerves. Hubby said he could see my hear beating through my stomach! The dr. joked that he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between heart beats since mine was super fast! Finally he found the baby's heart beat! It sounded significantly different then mine. He started laughing because as soon as we heard the baby's heart beat mine went immediately down really low to normal range! Dr. Wilson joked that it must be a girl because the heart rate was 158. I just want a healthy baby either way!

So the appointment went very well. He said everything is looking good and the baby is doing well. He seems to think any risk of another molar pregnancy is gone. He said the risk of a second one in the first place was remarkably low. But you just never know. I've learned enough with watching friends and family members with health issues plus myself and noticed that our bodies don't always react the way doctors would think. Which is why I'm so thankful that God is in control of all things.

After some routine ob blood work he sent me home with a kit to do a 24 hour base line urine collection. Each pregnancy is different so he wants me to do a 24 hour urine to determine my protein baseline so if preeclampsia attempts to make an appearance later on we have a test to look back on of my levels. Now we just wait and stay healthy exercising and etc. Hopefully if preeclampsia does show up we can keep it at bay for a long while at least until this baby will have a longer cook time then 29 weeks.

I'm just so so thankful that this appointment went well and that we both got to hear this little one's heart beat! Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts about yesterday! It means so much to me and us! I will keep you updated!

Repurposed old Headboard

Just thought I'd share what I did yesterday. I've been wanting to do this for months now and was finally able to lasso hubby into this project with me.

I have read and seen many other people recycle old headboard and footboards into cute benches. They even used old baby cribs as well. I had to try it for myself! This bench below inspired me....

I found this bench along with a tutorial on how to make one at this blog. (http://www.myrepurposedlife.net/2009/09/headboard-bench-tutorial.html)

Here are the items I used:

3 can of black flat spray paint(96 cents @Walmart)
1 can of white gloss spray paint
Stencils ($3)
Nails?screws that hubby had lying around.
Wood boards (could use wooden bed rails)
Small paint brushes
1 headboard and 1 footboard
1 hubby without a project :)

So this is a few of the steps in making my bench...

Here is my headboard and footboard. I didn't have a crib so I just decided on this style. Oh and one is sanded and the other isn't because I didn't realize there was a quicker way to remove varnish from wood without the hard work of sanding every crevice. They have this liquid stuff that does the same thing and a ton easier plus less time consuming!
Any how, I or I should say hubby cut the footboard in half. That's going to make up the arms on this bench.

Next we made the seat. I'm not entirely sure of our dimensions but I think it probably varies based on the bed boards and personal preference.

Once we assembled it together I wanted to paint it black so the spray paint fog began! After that I thought it needed something else so I added some stencils. They were a bit of a pain in the butt but after it was finished I was glad they were there.

And finally its finished! Yay!! :)

This was fun and super EASY! I encourage you to try it. I'm sure you have something unused around your home that you can recycle and turn into something cute!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Memorial Day to remember...

Well I figured since I haven't been posting much at all that I'd surprise you all and post TWICE in one day!! Don't you feel loved now?:)

Yes my Memorial day was quite a day indeed. The morning started off pleaseant enough with the sun beautifully shining and it was very warm I believe 91 degrees. Hubby and I had it planned that we'd do some yard work then play with Mazio in his little pool. Then later on we were going to be heading to our neighbor's graduation party.

But then it all changed!

My wonderful hubby was doing yard work and decided to let the dogs outside. One he tied up and the other he let run around with the theory that he would keep an eye on her. I'm sure we all know whats coming next! Yep, she ran away. Finally after four hours of walking in the heat and switching to the car a few times we finally found her a mile away at a nice families home where they were keeping her until they found her owner. Very nice people! They even fed her and gave her water!

It was quite an ordeal and an emotional roller coaster because the dog that ran away is Bailey. Our very first pet we got right before hubby proposed to me back in 2007. She is an Airedale Terrier. I was an emotional mess searching for her unaware if we'd ever find her or how close she was.

Look at that face! Pretty hard to be mad at that, is it not? :)
I'm so glad she is safe and home!

I nearly lost my hubby that same day! In one of our switches I took the car patrol as he searched on foot and an hour later I went looking for him and couldn't find him anywhere and started to panic. My father in law even joined the search for hubby. Finally he appeared out of someone's backyard some time later but by that time I was a wreck balling my eyes out. Oh the joys of hormones!:)

Quite a day but here's some snap shots of little man swimming in his pool...

He also had a cheesy face from eating Doritos too! Hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Days and I hope they were memorable! :)

Peek a Boo!

I know.. I know.. I know. My posts on here lately have been few and very far in between. What can I say? I've just been a busy lady puttering around the house after my son and doing loads of yard work! It's true I've been trying to paint my thumb green! We'll find out next year how well I did. I had no idea how much planting would be such a workout! Sheesh!

I'm sure your wondering how this pregnancy is going so far. I'm happy to announce that it's going pretty well. Other than a urinary tract infection I've been doing good and feeling pretty well. I did have a minor melt down day a few weeks back but I'll save that juicy story for another post.:) I'm 12 weeks today! Yay! Bring it on 2nd trimester!
I do have to admit I'm feeling nervous at the moment. I know that God is in control and am at peace in His will whatever it may be but I am having trouble shaking these nerves. You see this Monday I have my next appointment for the baby. I only see doctors now so I'll actually be seeing the same doctor that delivered Mazio. He's very nice! Well now that I'm 12 weeks along they will start using a doppler at each appointment to hear and document the baby's heart beat. This Monday will be my first appointment that I will get to hear this baby's precious heart beat. A day that most women would be absolutely thrilled about but a day that brings me a gut wrenching realization of the moment that ended my previous pregnancy.

I was about 12 weeks when I went to this very same type of appointment where I would hear the heart beat of my baby from the previous pregnancy only to have that day end in complete and utter turmoil instead of unending joy. I never got to hear that baby's heart beat and quickly learned that same day that the baby was no longer living. You can read more about my previous pregnancy and loss under the tab at the top labeled " Missing my baby girl".

Any way that is the root of my nerves for this appointment on Monday. I so badly long to hear the healthy thumping of this baby's heart! What joy and music it'd be to my ears after all this time to hear my baby's heart beat! I pray often that God would help get me through this day. I'll be alone too well except I might have Mazio with me which I recall now that he was there when my hopes came crashing down as well on that fateful day. Hopefully Monday will be a different day filled with joy and sighs of relief! I have no reason to believe based on my symptoms thus far to expect any bad news but you just never know. I feel good and have had no spotting like I did with the last pregnancy so I'm hoping that is a good sign. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers! I promise to post after my appointment on how it went.
